


Logistics, Office Buildings and Production Network

A nation-wide logistics network equipped with state-of-the-art facilities efficiently support Korea’s top-class sales network to provide customers with more accurate and speedy services. KYOWON also continuously
strives to initiate systematic CS activities through various bases built in the capital region and across Korea.

Education and Training Network

Kyowon abides by a firm belief that in order to provide customers with the finest quality products and services, we ourselves need to learn first.
In order to fulfill such a belief and responsibility, Kyowon has built a network of education and training centers throughout Korea to continuously provide
systematic training programs to 43,000 Kyowon staff members.
These education and training centers are located on and around islands,
hot springs, the ocean, rivers and mountains and also used as resort facilities,
offering Kyowon staff members with opportunities to relax in nature and
enjoy premium recreational activities.